Thursday, May 13, 2010


I just finished my AP world history test! Huzzah! I am sure that you are wanting every last detail, from the types of questions to the way I answered them.

Well, tough luck! Ha. Ha. I can't do that. I have been forbidden from sharing any aspect about the tests questions until the results come out this July, or face be disqualified. Dum dum dum! However, I can say that I had a good experience with the whole thing, and while I am glad it is over, I am glad I did it.

I actually enjoyed it quite a bit, except for the whole heart thumping out of my chest thing. There were a lot more people there than I thought would be. There must have been about thirty five there. I was only expecting around fifteen, good ole ignorant me. I had to sign stuff, agree to some stuff, then I took the test.


Actually, it wasn't that bad. I think I did pretty well on the multiple choice timing wise because I finished each of the seventy questions ten minutes left. I'm feeling pretty confident in that area. But geez, essays are stressful! I've never had to manage my own time with writing essays before, but I managed to finish two within the time limit alotted. As for the Document Based Question, well...

It sucked. But I managed to get a decent thesis out there and mentioned all of the documents. I didn't have time to write a conclusion though. Overall, I had a good time. When it was all over I felt pretty proud of what I had done. But you know when you get nervous and your mind starts to wander a bit? Well, lets just say that I was reflecting back on the answers I had picked and I thought for no reason at all about cookies. So now there is a stupid song I made up stuck in my head that I like to call, "The Redundant Cookie". The lyrics kind of go like this:

I had a cookie,
and it tasted real good.
good it tasted
the flavor of it was good
good was the flavor of the cookie..
do you know how good it tasted
well, it tasted real good...


REAL GOOD! (x100,000)

I am a little annoyed with my genius song skills right now. But anyway, I am happy. And thank you to all the people that wished me luck. Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I bet you did great Esther! I like the Redundant Cookie song BTW. Wow 35 people that's alot, about 2 years ago I took a hunters education class and there where around 30 it had 100 questions now it was no where near as hard as your AP class haha I only missed like 2 questions I think. Hmm that was quite irrelevant haha oh well.See you tomorrow Esther!
