Saturday, January 8, 2011

She Breathes!

For those who thought I was dead, I am in fact breathing. And after a ridiculously long hiatus I have returned to the fabled keyboard to continue to assault you with all of the trivialities of my life. Rejoice! Dance with one shoe off and the other in the refrigerator!      
I'm sure there are people who are wondering where the heck I went. I thought I would be able to share my NaNo experience with you all, but in truth, blogging and noveling at the same time is HARD. I found that I couldn't do both. In fact, I completely forgot about my blog. After I finished my novel (THAT'S RIGHT! FINISHED IT!) I didn't want to write anymore for a while. I think I had writeridosis or something. (Writoridosis, WD for short, is a serious medical problem by the way. Don't look it up.) And now, I am back and technically stronger than ever sense I worked out yesterday. (PUN!) So, that's my excuse for not blogging. Do you like it?

You better.

So now I shall start trying to write in this blog of mine more. Maybe three times a week. Although maybe not considering I run out of topics absurdly fast. That is why I am making this filler post with nothing in it except ramblings and clever witisisms contained within parenthesis. (Here's another one.) I can assure you though that I will work hard to keep my baby (that's my blog) up and running for goodish. (that's like forever, except not really.)

So this introductory post comes to an end. I hope to give you all some very random pickles in the future. In addition, thanks to the readers who actually kept reading, even though I abandoned them and didn't post anything new for months. This message goes to my favorite Ds, Zs, Ms, and whomever I forgot to mention. I love you all. Happy birthday and merry Christmas.

Esther "Picklemeiser" P.

PS. If people have theme week ideas, I'll take em! I seem to handle those well! Share your ideas and comments in the wonderful comment box.


  1. Yay, you are back! I've missed your blog posts, Esther! Thanks for coming back from the dead, well.. not really, but you brought your blog back from the dead, and now I don't have to read your old posts over and over again! I'm no good with ideas for theme week kinda stuff, however I do have an idea! You could write about your workout adventures! I mean everyone would love hearing about all of those grueling toe raises. ;) Anyway, welcome back!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks Z, and while I do not appreciate you toe raising comment, thanks for commenting anyway.

  4. I was actually being serious,E! It really is a pretty neat exercise.

  5. YAY! POSTIES! Now you just need to let me read your novel.
