My adoring readers at this point probably know that I like to write. I've been trying a few different mediums at this point, and although I am attempting to write a novel right now, I think it is possible that my real passion is scripts.
Dialogue is my favorite part of any story. If it doesn't have good dialogue I usually don't enjoy it. (Old Man and the Sea and other classic narratives aside.) And since scripts ARE dialogue, what's not to love?
I have written two real scripts, unless you are counting the dorky ones which I am going to show you later. The only problem with script writing for me is that I have to remind myself to take myself seriously. I'm a joker, and unfortunately, not many people get my sense of humor. Seriously, if I unleashed my actual sense of humor on you, you would probably die of confusion. My mother says I could write Futurama episodes, I am that far out there.
And so, just to prove to you my love for writing dorky scripts, I present you with a link!
Flash! Bang!
Ain't it pretty? This link will deliver you to the Young Writer's Society. (It is one of the best writing sites out there with a very nice user base. I recommend it to any writer practicing their craft.)This link is a link to one of my scripts, "Keebler the Bounty Hunter". If the title isn't enough to scare you, wait until you read it. It has all of my favorite things: Heroes, bandits, wise cracking sidekicks-you name it. So check it out if you will. Maybe read the comments at the bottom; a few actually liked it. Even in its unedited glory.
Until a more meaningful post.
Someday I want to see you actual sense of humor :D ! I will now read the thing you linked.