Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Flying Projectiles: Or, Why You Should Always Wear a Football Helmet

Every Friday, I attend a homeschool gathering at my community gymnasium. We talk, play games, and have an overall good time. There is only one thing that I would rather not have in my weekly outings:

And that would be flying spherical objects slamming into my face.

Hey, I like playing catch as much as the next guy. I'm pretty decent at it, too. I have good hand eye coordination if I do say so myself. The only problem is when I am NOT looking at the ball. That's when it gets the best of me.

I'm talking to my friends.

Thwack! My head is hit.

I am eating fruit snacks because I'm hungry.

Thwack! My head is slammed.

I am running around in circles.

Thwack! The ball will always find me even if I am moving target. The balls actually like it when I am moving because they like the challenge.

Because of the constant thwacking I have resigned myself to consider wearing a football helmet whenever I am around somebody playing catch. This way I will always be protected and I will also be stylish at the same time. Unfortunately, it would also hinder my peripheral vision so I would only be able to see a ball coming if it was in front of me. So the balls will probably just take advantage of this and aim for the small of my back.
Oh well. I think I can take the occasional smack from a ball as long as I am having fun each Friday. I guess I should just stay out of the "Ball Zone" when I am not paying attention to what is going on. I just hope that this little streak of mine with vanish before I get a concussion. Until next time.


  1. I have to say that I disagree with how many times you've been hit in the head. 60% of the time they are near misses with only a few of them hitting your head. There are the times when we both go for the ball and end up running full tilt into each other, but even then I tend to come out on the more painful end of those encounters. I would also like it if you didn't wear a helmet, because of the above mentioned running into each other.
    And if you like, I can see if I can talk to the ball and see if he would stop hitting people so hard. Though I must say that he is rather unbiased about who he hits, but he does like to hit certain people in certain places. He hits me and you in the head and your brother in the gut.

  2. I'm so talented he never hits me he does like to hit Kristian though. Oh great why did I say that I have a feeling i know what will happen next time I'm at gym.

  3. Oh Squirrely, always taking things so seriously. You can talk to the balls if you want, but I don't think they will stop trying to kill me. :P
