Heh, I made a pun.
And you will know why I made this pun when I tell you about the topic I chose to write about today. I bet you wouldn't guess it in a million years, but go ahead anyway.
Today I am writing about my hair! For all of you that guessed correctly, good job. For those that guessed, "anchovie", there is something wrong with you! *clap clap*
Anyway, I've decided to talk about my hair because I slightly upset with it. I am not hair style oriented. My sister took that gene. As a matter of fact, I am so bad at styling my own hair it must be a disorder or something. (You've probably noticed that i have a lot of those by now.)The only thing I can do is tie it back in a pony tail, and I can only do that 50 percent of the time. Kind of sad, right? This probably stems from the fact that I am lazy, or my lack of fashion sense. Either way, my hair will never look good unless it is extremely well brushed or tied back. No hats for me, no siree. My hair would just go, "zzzzzitc!" That's the sound of it frizzing.
So anyway, the real reason that I am writing this is because I'm thinking about getting a hair cut. I kind of want to cut my hair pretty short. It reaches about midway on my shoulder blades at the moment, and I want to make it shorter. The problem is, I've never really had my hair styled before so I am kind of nervous about it, if I go through with the plan. It's always been long and straight, so it would be a change whatever I do. What does the universe think? Well, until next time.
I vote don't do it. You look good with long hair.