Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pirates vs Ninjas: The TRUE Observation.

The battle has gone on for quite some time. Although they are nothing alike, have different social values, and have extreme hygienic differences, the war between pirates and ninjas still roars on. The debate between who is better has lived on the internet for years now, and it's still going strong. I personally haven't really taken sides because I think each has their strong points. I prefer pirates in the television media, but I am sure the ninjas in the world of television have a lot of followers as well. (Yes, I am pointing to you Naruto.) But anyway, who do YOU think is better? If you chosen not to decide like me, or are just not sure who to side with, I have created a list of pros and cons to help you choose. I discovered it a while back in the back of my creative writing stack, and I thought, hey, why not? I have edited it a little, to make it less biased. (The con list for pirates was rather huge, not to say I hate them) But here you go.


Pirate Pros:
1. They are very familiar to the ocean, and thereby considerably adept at sea warfare.

2. The more limbs that get hacked/blown off, the more deadly they become via prosthetic limbs with sharp pointy objects.

3. They are not above stabbing anything that gets in their way. In fact, they prefer to.
4. They are cheap to recruit.
5. They are used to common diseases like scurvy.

6. They won't take it if you're mean to their momma.

Pirate cons:

1. They get drunk a lot.
2. They simply cannot resist the wenches.
3. After they get drunk, they get drunk some more.
4. They usually can't swim, so you could just push them into the ocean and watch them die.
5. They aren't smart, really.

And now for the ninjas:

Ninja pros:
1. They are well trained and in excellent physical condition.

2. They usually have a weapon proficiency which gives them the upper hand against incompetent opponents.

3. They are patient. Remember, they can always hide under your koi pond and wait for you to walk by and the proceed to shoot you with a blow dart.

4. They don't get drunk!
5. They plan ahead.

Ninja cons:

1. They obey whoever they work for
2. They aren't allowed to speak up. (Unless you are the orange jumpsuit wearing kind)
Huh, I can't think of anything else.

Who do you think will win? Your opinions are welcome here. Till next time.

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